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Counting Christmas Blessings

Bombarded by the hustle and bustle of the world, I know it’s easy to take our blessings for granted—particularly during this time of year. We may barely notice our blessings or even pause to whisper our thanks. Yet today, with the Twelve Days of Christmas upon us, what  better time to consider our many blessings and to give genuine thanks to God? Even the most harried of us can take a moment to recollect at least one blessing a day, right?

I’ll begin. I’m truly thankful for:

  1. Jesus’ love and sacrifice.
  2. Freedom to worship my God and Savior.
  3. My loving family.
  4. My health and the ability to see, hear, speak, and walk. May I never take these for granted.
  5. My love for words and writing, which provides work that I love (and that I can do from home so I can be here with my children).
  6. Imagination, which provides a wealth of inspiration for writing.
  7. The innocence, love, and humor of my children.
  8. Good books to read, and the Good Book.
  9. A warm home filled with plentiful food (especially ice cream and chocolate).
  10. Peaceful time at the end of the day when my children are (finally!) sleeping. (And at which time I then enjoy the said ice cream and chocolate.)
  11. Golden sunlight streaming through my windows.
  12. Snow tires. Seriously, I would never go back to driving a van in Midwest winters without them!

I could go on and on. The reality of God’s bountiful blessings is truly humbling. Remember, there are no trivial blessings; every good thing comes from Him.

After counting one blessing a day for twelve days, counting blessings will soon become a habit. If we continue to take a moment each day to count at least one blessing, just imagine how our hearts will overflow with gratefulness this coming year.

How wonderful is God’s love for us. May we never forget.

Thank You, Jesus, and happy birthday!

Wishing everyone a blessed, merry Christmas!

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