a while or awhile?
- a while is a noun that means a length of time.
Example: I haven’t seen you in a while.
- awhile is an adverb that means for a length of time.
Example: I’d like to sleep awhile.
You wouldn’t say “I haven’t seen you in awhile” because that’s like saying “I haven’t seen you in for a length of time.” And that doesn’t make grammatical sense.
I’m always on the lookout for a while and awhile when proofreading manuscripts, as these words are commonly misused.
Okay, end of lesson.
Today I really just wanted to pop in to say hello and happy Spring!
I haven’t posted in a while for various reasons. In March, I came down with a nasty bout of bronchitis that lingered for weeks. Then, one by one, my four kids got sick. Poor babies. April brought Easter (I hope you had a blessed Easter!), my kids’ spring break, and my baby boy’s first birthday! (He’s guaranteed to sleep through the night now, right? Right?)
I’ve also been too busy proofreading to blog—but that’s a great “problem” to have (a blessing, actually!), and I’m not complaining.
In fact, I’m celebrating by investing some of my earnings right back into my proofreading business. Yesterday, after much research, I ordered a new Samsung Galaxy Tab A (on sale!), complete with a beautiful protective case and a wireless keyboard. Just look at that glamorous case. Yes, I’m excited. Who says work can’t be fun?
I love proofreading, and I love the flexibility of being a stay-at-home, work-at-home mom. I anticipate each new project with enthusiasm while looking forward to sitting down to my next peaceful proofreading session. Aah. . .
Soon, with my portable new tool, I’ll be able to work even more comfortably and efficiently.
I’m looking forward to receiving my new toy—er, ahem–tool in the mail tomorrow afternoon. I’m also looking forward to tomorrow evening, since my husband and I are going to see Jim Gaffigan. If you’ve ever seen any of his shows, you’ll understand my excitement. He delivers the best hilarious, relatable, clean comedy!
As I look ahead to May and another busy month of proofreading, I couldn’t be happier. I’d like to send a big thank you to my clients for the wonderful work they provide me with.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a house to clean, laundry to wash, and dinner to make.
And my one-year-old is waking up from his nap . . .
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Tags: a while or awhile?, awhile vs. a while, Christian editing, Christian editor, Christian fiction proofreader, Christian fiction proofreaders, Christian manuscript proofreader, Christian novel proofreader, Christian novel proofreaders, Christian proofreaders, Christian proofreaders blog, Christian proofreading, Christian proofreading services, copy editor or proofreader, correct word usage, proofreading tips, proofreading word usage, stay-at-home mom, work-at-home mom