If so, let me offer you a fresh, unbiased, experienced eye at a very affordable rate!
I even offer free sample proofreading.
I proofread for:
Grammar (view details)
Punctuation (view details)
Word usage
Extra words
Missing words
Overused words/phrasesProofreading does not include:
Content editing (also known as substantive or developmental editing)
Note: Proofreading is a last step in preparing your work for publication. Do not expect proofreading to provide major editing. Works to be proofread should have already gone through content editing and should be very close to a final draft.
Works I proofread:
Short stories
Back cover copy
Amazon descriptionsNonfiction:
Sorry, I’m no longer accepting any new nonfiction projects. Due to the increased demand for my services, I’m now focusing my limited time on what I enjoy most, which is proofreading fiction. Thanks for your understanding!
Note: While I specialize in proofreading Christian fiction, your work does not have to be overtly Christian. I will also happily proofread clean, wholesome, sweet, inspirational, or non-offensive fiction.
Works I won’t proofread:
Horror, erotica, LGBTQ+, or works containing offensive scenes such as on-screen sex, graphic abuse, and/or graphic violence.
I’ve been proofreading for many years, I’ve earned a Poynter ACES Certificate in Editing, and I make use of the following expert references:
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary
The Chicago Manual of Style
The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style
I’ve earned a Level 4 Proofreading and Editing Diploma, with distinction, from the College of Media and Publishing.
I’m a member of ACES (American Copy Editors Society).
I’m also a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers).
Rest assured that your work will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
Additionally, I will gladly sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) upon request.
Ready for me to get started?
View my rates and contact me here.
I typically work in Microsoft Word with Track Changes turned on. I also accept Google Docs, Microsoft Office documents, and PDFs. After proofreading, I return your document file with changes clearly marked. You then choose whether to incorporate each change or not.